
The following is a list of software and digital products developed by myself (Paolo Marcuccetti).
I make this software available for download here in these pages, some for free and some for a fee.

I'm currently moving my plugins to PayHip, as Gumroad no longer offers PayPal as a payment option.
The plugins currently available on Gumroad will still be available for purchase with a credit card on my Gumroad® shop page.

Payhip® shop page Gumroad® shop page

Of course, if you find my "free" software is making you to save time in your daily work with Vectorworks®,
think about a Donation, I'll be grateful!

Plugins and scripts are, whenever possible, updated for the latest Vectorworks® version.
Read each plugin infos for the version compatibility.

The software is being provided to you 'AS IS' without warranty of any kind [read the disclaimer].
All plugins and scripts are downloadable and usable for free (unless otherwise indicated), though a little donation (via paypal) is welcome and will be used to maintain these pages and add other contents of public interest.
For informations, questions, custom requirements, use the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Export to SVG

With this menu command you'll be able to export elements of your Vectorworks® drawing to a SVG file.
The conversion produced with this command is accurate for all geometric shapes (beziers, splines, arcs) and the SVG produced aims to communicate the cutting info for cutting / engraving digital machines.

Export to SVG cover


With Plumb-Bob you can transform a perspective picture in a plan view, directly inside Vectorworks.
Plumb-Bob is useful in many fields, architectural survey, building renovation, furnishing design, and it represents a real completion for the metric / photographic survey.

Plumb-Bob cover


This is a complete set of plugins that lets you create and manage cornices, mouldings, handrails, etc.. You can count on a wide collection of mouldings to choose, as well as create yours.

Modanature cover

Distortion 3D

A tool that Vectorworks® was missing is now available and simple to use!
With this plugin you can freely distort 2D objects such as points, lines, rects, rounded rects, ellipses, arcs, polygons and polylines, even if grouped.
You can, for example, convert a text logo into polylines (with the known Vectorworks® command) then apply a distortion to it to see as could it appear in perspective.

Distortion 3D cover

Catenary Curve

This plugin create a parametrized catenary curve between two end points.

  • Independent Z for both ends
  • Direction [downward (chain) or upward(arch)]
  • By length or by sag methods: you can establish the length of the chain or the chain lowest (or highest) point.
Catenary Curve cover


This plugin creates a parametric rope out of a 3D path (NURBS).
The plugin includes also a button to import / exchange the current curve with another you select on the drawing.
Since it is sometimes easier to create a complex 3D path by steps, combining more paths or interpolating points, this import / exchange button and its companion export path button are there to help you complex ropes.

Ropes Plugin cover


A simple plugin to create custom arches openings (33 types so far!), optionally styled with brick / stones or trims.
Demo version available.

Arches cover

Barroom symbols

Bar rooms full package includes about 400 symbols 2D/3D, gathered in 11 files [.vwx] (Vectorworks® 2020).
These symbols are all originally made by me, though based on real objects, in my 20 years experience in the bar room / retail design.
You can purchase the full package or single packages or even single symbols.

Barroom cover


This tool calculates and displays the weight of a 3D object in Vectorworks®. It is possible to choice the specific weight of a wide list of different materials.

Weight Info tool


With this set of instruments it is possible to manage an "exploded" representation of an object composed by many 3D elements.

Xplosion illustration


This script generates complex 3D trees. Various kind and forms can be obtained playing with the several variables, directly inside the script (for experts). You can as well use the given presets to get some basic kind of trees.

3D Tree

CNC Milling

With this script you are able to create paths coverage of polygons and polylines in Vectorworks®. The created paths can be easily used for CNC milling, generally exporting them as DXF.


Perspective rectify

With this script it is possible to transform lines, points and polygons (in Vectorworks®) lying on the same plane in perspective to a plan view, just knowing the real coordinates of 4 not-collinear points.

Raddrizzamento prospettico


Disclaimer of Warranty:
The author has made no express warranties, oral or written, to you regarding “Vectorworks® plugins and scripts by Paolo Marcuccetti”. “Vectorworks® plugins and scripts by Paolo Marcuccetti” are being provided to you 'as they are' without warranty of any kind. The author shall not be liable for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of “Vectorworks® plugins and scripts by Paolo Marcuccetti”. You use this software solely at your own risk. The author is here at your disposal for help, bug corrections and suggestions. Send your requests throug the form at the end of page.

Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2018 by Paolo Marcuccetti
All rights reserved. No part of these softwares may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, contact the publisher using the form below.


Here's a little gallery of some works.

Services and collaborations

If you need problem solving or advices on your Vectorworks® workflow, even if you need help for your work, my skills, professionalism and seriousness are at your disposal in the fields I can compete.

Vectorworks® scripting

Is there, in your daily work with VW®, some boring and repetitive task? This is the right time to find out if there is a solution. Vectorworks® is completely scriptable; it is possible to create objects or perform actions and calculations programmatically.

Object libraries

Many manufacturers are creating 3D files of their products, to be used in architectural renderings or to be part of the increasing BIM libraries available online. If you need to create / convert 2D/3D objects for Vectorworks® I am here to help you.


Photorealistic and non-photorealistic (NPR) renderings. I am specialized in barrooms, restaurants, pastry shops and interior design.


Logos vectorization / reconstruction with conversion in VW®, DWG, DXF or any other vector file, to be used with CNC / laser cut / vinyl cutters devices.

Perspective rectify

The perspective plane of a picture is transformed in a perfect plan view. This is possible thanks to the application made by myself and available on the Mac App Store:

Do you use large format printer?

Save time and paper with a smart use of the printing area thanks to the application made by myself and available on the Mac App Store: